Send packages with ease and cheaper?
Make extra cash on your own terms?

Unlimited pool of couriers to deliver your packages.
Negotiate the delivery fee and go with the best deal.
Earn money as a courier without incurring any cost.

Get access to unlimited pool of couriers and
make more cash with ease


Search for couriers

Search for couriers nearby whose route aligns with your package's pick up and drop-off locationsGet started >

Negotiate best deals

Save money by getting the best (cheapest) deal from an unlimited pool of couriers to deliver your packageSee how >

Timely deliveries

Enjoy timely delivery of your package through the unwavering obligation of your courier to be on timeLearn more >

Make more with ease

Going from point A to B as planned? Make extra cash by completing a delivery at no extra costLearn more >

Bid farewell to delivery failures.
Keep your customers happy.

No more excuses for failing to get your package to its destination at the right time. Even urgent deliveries can be made in record time. Keep your customers smiling and happy.

Make extra cash while in transit.
You move; You earn.

Going to work? Taking a casual visit? Or Attending a social function?. Pick up a package along your route and make some cash. Complete the delivery and get paid directly. No stress. Easy peasy!

People love Famzzie.
So would you.

“Love it! I really like the user interface. The sleek aesthetic of the software makes it easy and pleasant to use. I am also a big fan of the way I can access lots of couriers and get best deal to send out packages. The best part is I also earn on the side while doing my personal schedule. Love it!”Ciroma A.Beauty Products Retailer
“Stunning app! I use it everyday since I was onboarded and love it ever since. It really makes earning extra cash a pleasure. I also like the simplicity of the user interface and I highly recommend it!”Sunday O.Student
“Famzzie is very easy to use and helpful! I especially like how couriers are matched with my packages; my clients can receive their clothes at any time and even send them back immediately if needed. Super app.”Elizabeth I.Fashion Designer

If you love comfort, you’ll
simply love Famzzie.

Available on Google Play Store (iOS coming soon), install Famzzie and keep your customers happy! Also increase your earnings with Famzzie.
image3-tier verification systemThorough verification process to ensure utmost security and vivid representation of who you say you are
imageIn-app communication systemCommunicate with your courier through instant messaging within the app
imagePeer-to-peer paymentGet paid directly into your account after completing a delivery. No middle-man.
imageFlexible remittance systemRemit the 10% due us at your earliest convenience. Accumulate up to 5 completed deliveries, then pay us.

Get started today.
Try free forever.

Available on Google Play Store (iOS coming soon), install Famzzie, keep your customers happy and earn more.
Unlimited pool of couriers to deliver your packages.
Negotiate the delivery fee and go with the best deal.
Earn money as a courier without incurring any cost.